A Spanish-Themed Garden in Santa Monica 

The project for this grand old Spanish-style home includes an undulating wall which complements the architecture and creates a graceful transition from the street to the entryway. The lanterns atop the pilasters echo those by the front porch and shed a welcoming light on visitors.

The design also incorporates important water-saving features, such as the two rain gardens, placed in front of the wall on each side of the path. These are enhanced by large boulders along with ground morning glory, hibiscus and agapanthus.

Once past the wall, an inner courtyard further reflects the Spanish ambience, with minimal dry plantings of ground cover manzanita. The gravel covers hidden drainage cells, which allow rainwater to percolate. 

Flanking the courtyard are inviting pathways, sowed with clivia and a pair of chaste trees, which exhibit showy blooms.

  Photographs by Saxon Holt